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A pet owner's primary source of information concerning their pet's health and well being should be their veterinarian. The information provided here is not a substitute for veterinary care. In all matters pertaining to the care and treatment of a pet a veterinarian must always be consulted first.

Reference Document: AAFP Feline Zoonoses

 Anyone who is considering owning an Aby or any feline should be aware that cats/ kittens can at any time be carriers for zoonotic diseases, (e.g. rabies, ringworm, bartonella, toxoplasmosis). Simply put these are diseases that can travel from animal to human. Some of these diseases (e.g. ringworm) can be acquired by your cat from the environment and/or they may be carried by a cat/ kitten asymptomatically (i.e. the animal exhibits no symptoms of the disease). Anyone and especially those with young children and/or immunosuppressed or pregnant members of their household should consult their physician and their veterinarian before introducing any cat into their household.